Deacon Rufus James and Sis. Jerri James
Deacon Board, Chairman

As Chairman of the Deacon Board, Deacon James is responsible for running Business Meetings, overseeing the Deacon Board and their direction with the ministries they supervise and he works directly with the Pastor on church growth and development. 

Deacon Detroit Cleveland
Deacon Board, Asst. Chairman and Sunday School Director

As Asst. Chairman, he is resposible for running church business meetings in the absence of our Chairman and he is also responsible for the day-to-day operations at the church.  As Sunday School Director, he is responsbile for the growth and developmetn of our Sunday School Teachers, the growth of our Sunday School attendance and the Sunday School Drive. 

Sis. Kathryn Cleveland
Deaconess Leader and Sunday School Secretary

In this role, she is responsible for setting up our 1st Sunday Communion and leading our Deaconesses in their ministry.  As Sunday School Secretary, she keep all Sunday School Records, records school mintues and assist the Sunday School Director. 

Deacon James Carter, Jr.
Music Ministry Manager

In this role, Deacon James Carter works directly with the Minister and Asst. Minister of Music to ensure the music department ministry is moving forward, growing and evloving. 

Deacon Willie Carter and Sis. Andrea Carter
Building Maintenance

In these roles Deacon Willie Carter is responsible for building maintenance and updates and he works directly with our Kitchen Manager to ensure our kitchen is stocked and staffed for church events.

Sis. Etta David
Church Secretary Emeritus
Deacon Claudie Ray King
Sunday School, Asst. Director

In this role, Decaon King leads Sunday School in the absence of the Director. 

Sis. Patricia King
Kitchen, Manager

As the Kitchen Manger, Sis. King is responble for keeping the kitchen stocked, food preparation for all anuual days, ensuring their is staff to work each event and working with community officials to feed those in need. 

Deacon Bernice Mitchell
Transportation Manger

In this role, Deacon Mitchell is responsible for church vehicle maintenance and services. 

Deacon Roscoe Warrick, Jr.
Choir Director

 In this role, Deacon Warrick is responsible for the leading and managing the daily activities of our Sanctuary Choir. 

Deacon Elton Williams
Church Financial Officer and Youth Ministry Leader

As the CFO, Deacon Williams is responsible for overseeing the church financial records.  Also, he leads and directs the Youth Ministry, working directly with the Youth Director and patrons.  

Sis. Dorothy Williams
Asst. Minister of Music

In this role, she is responsible for musical selections during our Sunday School and functions as our backup musician in the absence of our Minister of Music. 

The Deacon

I heard and received my call; while I am not a minister, God has plans for me as a Deacon. I am here to serve, to make my life count. As a Deacon, I commit myself to:

Deacon and Deaconess